Friday, December 26, 2008

Todd Debreceni's SPECIAL MAKEUP EFFECTS: FOR STAGE AND SCREEN has begun shipping through amazon! I just received my copy the other day. Todd has instructed me on many areas of VFX and make-up FX is one such area. If you are interested in VFX this is the guy to learn from! I'm so happy he has completed his book and its now out there for everyone to enjoy!

So head on over to and grab yourself a copy! :)

Friday, May 2, 2008

Finally got out to the theater...

So work has been busy busy with all the summer movies headed this way. Especially with Iron Man this weekend. I haven't been to a movie since I moved here (I know, I know) So I figured seeing a movie in which I had the opportunity to work on the trailers (IronMan) would be a great way to bust my cherry. Not that I did a whole lot for the trailers but cool either way. SO I went to see it at the ArcLight. Cool movie, amazing theater, overall an awesome experience. Especially when Jon Favreau and Robert Downey Jr. pop out from backstage right before the movie started to welcome us to the theater. Fucking Epic.

I love LA.